1. Background
 Rwanda, as well as other countries of the world needs reliable statistics essential for good governance, monitoring and planning for economic and social development of its people. These statistics are very expensive when obtained from surveys or censuses.
It is in this regard that the NationalInstitute of Statisticsof Rwanda(NISR), a public institution and a national coordinator for the National Statistical System (NSS) with a mission to“assume the leading role in improving capacity to use evidence-based information for decision-making by coordinating national effort to collect and archive reliable data, to analyze, document and disseminate data within an integrated and sustainable framework”; intend to produce official administrative data (Vital, education, health) in a regular manner at a low cost. Among the demographic uses of vital statistics are the preparation of population estimates and projections, studies of mortality, fertility and nuptiality and the construction of life tables.
It is against this background that, the National Institute of Statistic of Rwanda (NISR) wishes to recruit a national consultant to develop Civil Registration and Vital statistics web-based software which will serve as a reference in generating and disseminating information concerning vital events and Health Statistics
  1. Objective:
 a)    General Objective
The establishment of web-based software will serve and enhance the facilitation of easy way of data collection, data transmission for vital statistics and it will refer to generate and disseminate the collected information basing on data collection tools already established
b)   Specific Objectives
  • The web-based software designed for civil registration system will facilitate the easy way of transferring data from local level to national level in quick time and facilitate its processing;
  • The implementation of administrative data web-based system throughout the sector and district level will facilitate the extending of user space for many stakeholders like NISR, NIDA, RGB, Minaloc, Minijust, Mineduc, MoH, NCC, Migration Office;  
  • The capacity building for sector and district officers will be done for gaining  more skills on the use of technology in civil registration system;
  • The production of statistics data from data collected processed and stored inweb-based software system.
2. Scope of the assignment:
The consultant who will undertake the task is expected to:
a)    Design the Administrative web-based Application software system for Vital Statistics;
b)   Link the national web-based for civil registration with National Identification Agency s servers and NISR servers; 
c)    Conduct a pre-test in three districts for testing the new developedweb-based for civil registration software;  
d)   Train sector officers, district statistician, technical team from NISR, NIDA, MoH and MINIJUST on the functioning and the use of web-based software;      
e)    Produce directlytables and figures for needed indicators with the consideration of national, regional and international standards during the process of data entry;
3. Key outputs and deliverables:
The consultants will provide the following deliverables:
  • An inception report showing how the administrative statistics based on civil registration and vital statistics web-based software systemwill be done (20%);
  • A draft report for web-Based designed after the pre-test and fill in the recommendations from pre-test (20%);
  • Final design of web based software available and being used (30%)
  • Short-Training conducted for sector, districts, and technical team who will implement the administrative statistic web-based software in sectors, district and NISR and final Report (30%).
 4. Reporting arrangements and overall coordination:
The primary point of contact for this activity is the Director of DSS unit, who will coordinate the overall activity. The consultant shall discuss the planned approach with him/her before the implementation and he/she will be responsible for all issues related to the production of the design, to the test and implementation of the administrative statistic web-based software.
The technical team will be composed by national consultant, NISR staff, and staff from other departments and selected sector specialists from Ministries, Departments and agencies (MDAs):
1.   One  IT member from NIDA
2.   One IT member from MoH;
The consultant people shall report to the Director General of NISR.
5. Methodology:
The desired National Consultant will consider the current situation of civil registration and vital statistics data collection tools harmonized;
The consultant will consider also the needs that will be suggested by users and use them to recommend the best way to elaborate a good and adapted web-based software; The consultant will prepare the calendar of main users visit and the output of the consultations which will be presented to the stakeholders in collaboration with NISR staff;
The consultant will make a pre-test for a web developed in 3 districts with the support of NISR Staff and present the feedback to the stakeholders.
The consultant will conduct training for data managers from sector, district and national technical team who will make the implementation of the web-based software designed and prepared
Note:The consultant will be given by NISR the necessary logistics arrangements (bureau, computer, printer and internet) and support to arrange meetings and field visits during pre-test activity, NISR or its partners will not provide daily transport for the consultant unless for the field work (period of pre-test and training)
6. Timing:
The assignment is expected to take a maximum of 120 working days. These include up to 5 technical consultation meetings, desk review and planning for the assignment, 60 days of office work and consultations with key stakeholders of CRVS and NISR team, 15 days for pre-testing the web-based in 3 districts, 30 days of district desk review and short trainings and a further 10 working days to complete the report. The consultant should build in sufficient time to consult key stakeholders on the draft report and reflect comments in a final version. The assignment should commence by 1st November, 2013.
8. Competencies and Qualifications:
The consultant will need to have:
  • The specific expertise required of the national consultant to design, test, train data managers and implement the administrative (vital and education) statistics web-based softwareincludesbut not limited to the following:
  • An   university  degree  in  Information Technology IT ,or  a  closely related discipline
  • At  least  5  years  of  relevant  experience in designing web-based softwarefor official statistics production;
  • A   strong background in   either   statistics and/or   capacity building of  national statistical systems;
  •  Demonstrated knowledge and experience in the use of statistical software such as CSPRO, SPSS and STATA;
  • Have worked extensively in areas of similar conditions (Sub-Saharan Africa or Rwanda);
  • Experience and familiarity working with Government Institutions is required;
a)    Ability to work in a team, in a multicultural environment, under pressure while maintaining a high level of accuracy,
b)   Excellent in English and Kinyarwanda language skills.
9. Evaluation Selection
9.1. Education Level: 30 marks
a)    An advanced University Degree in Information Technology IT or any other relevant discipline from a recognized University. A copy of university degree and CVs duly updated and signed by the consultant must be provided in the application;
b)   Excellent in English and Kinyarwanda language skills.
9.2. Specific Experience: 40 marks
a)    A strong background of 7  years  of  relevant  experience in designing web-based softwarefor official statistics productionIn particular 10 marks;
b)   The consultant must have working experience in developing countries preferably in Sub-Saharan Africa but preference will be given to one with a longer experience/10 marks;
c)     Experience in the use of statistical software such as CSPRO, SPSS and STATA/10 marks;
d)   Experience and familiarity working with Government Institutions is required/10 marks, etc;
9.3.      Approach methodology and work plan to be used/30 marks.
Note:The Consultant must also show in the application certificates of completion of similar works done or attestations of performance delivered by government, academic or other institutions.
10. Selection Process
The desired individual consultants will be selected based on the above mentioned qualifications and experience criteria. Remuneration will be negotiated based on qualifications and experience.
The desired individual consultants will be selected in accordance with the Law on Public Procurement NO 12/2007 of 27/03/2007 and Ministerial Order NO 001/08/10/MIN of 15/01/2008 establishing regulations on public procurement AND Standard Bidding Documents and procedures
11. Application process/ guidelines:
Interested persons meeting the above qualifications should express their Interest by submitting the following:
  • Letter of motivation highlighting how they meet the requirements for the required Individual Consultant  on position of their preference
  • A Detailed CV, copies of academic qualifications, names of three references;
The outer cover for envelope shall be clearly marked:REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) N0012/REOI-IC/2013-2014/NISR/DSS UNIT/UNFPA SUPPORT TO NISR/WEB-BASED SOFT WARE
 Submission deadline for this Request for expression of Interest is 12TH October 2013 at 10:00 hours, 8:00 GMT at the following address:
The Director General
National Institute Of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR)
Avenue de la Paix, former MINIPLAN Building, Muhima (Nyarugenge District)
P.O. Box 6139 Kigali
Electronic applications will also be accepted and may be sent through: info@statistics.gov.rw, gerald.yemukama@statistics.gov.rw, eric.bugingo@statistics.gov.rw,
Only the short listed candidate who will obtain the first score will be contacted to submit the financial proposal for the 120 working days for this assignment scheduled to start by in November 2013. The required minimum score is (80%).
Done at Kigali on 23rd SEPTEMBER 2013

Deputy Director General, Corporate Services