Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability and Nutrition Analysis Survey (CFSVA)
January, 2009 to December, 2009
The 2009 Rwanda CFSVA and Nutrition Survey was designed to provide statistically representative information on households at the sub-provincial level. A total of 450 ZD ((ZD - Zone de Dénombrement or enumeration zones)) were selected for both household and 12 community level data collection. Altogether, 5400 households were visited and a total of 438 community key informants interviewed.

Microdata for CFSVA (2009)


Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA) - 2009

Understanding food and nutrition security and vulnerability has always been challenging. Yet the emergence of relatively new phenomena such as recent high food and fuel prices, the global financial crisis, and climate change, all highlight the need to better understand the lives and livelihoods of vulnerable population so that effective policies and actions can be implemented to save lives and address the root causes of food and nutrition insecurity.