
February 1, 2012

The evolution of poverty in Rwanda from 2000 to 2011: Results from the Household Surveys (EICV)

This report provides a summary analysis of recent changes in poverty in Rwanda, based on three comparable household surveys (EICV: Enquête Intégrale sur les Conditions de Vie des ménages) conducted over the past ten years, EICV1 in 2000/01, EICV2 in 2005/06 and EICV3, just completed, in 2010/11. Much of the report focuses on poverty measured in consumption terms; household consumption is measured in comparable terms across the three surveys and adjusted for differences between households in the prices they face and in their size and composition. A household’s standard of living is thus judged by their real consumption per adult equivalent, including imputations for consumption in kind, all expressed in January 2001 prices.
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