Consumer Price Index (February 2012)

In February 2012 the All Urban general index is established at 113.3 this stands for an increase of 1.04% over the previous month which was 112.2. In annual change it increased by 7.85% compared to 7.81% in the previous month. This gives a general inflation rate by an annual average of 6.6% during the month of February 2012.

Required qualifications and job descriptions

The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) wishes to recruit competent candidate for the Human Resources Officer in Charge of Temporary staff.

Required qualifications and job descriptions

The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) wishes to recruit competent candidate for the position of Director of Economic Statistics Unit.

Required qualifications and job descriptions

The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) wishes to recruit competent candidate for the position of Formal Sector Census Statistician.

Job descriptions

The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) wishes to recruit competent candidate for the position of secretary

External Trade Statistics Report - Second Quarter 2011

Imports from EAC partner states increased by 31.8 percent from US$ 77.8 million in the second quarter 2010 to US$ 102.6 million in the second quarter 2011. Uganda and KENYA have the big shares of the RWANDA imports from EAC region for 46.6 and 28.5 percent respectively. This is to say that more than 75 percent of imports are from Uganda and Kenya.

External Trade Statistics Report - Third Quarter 2011

Exports to EAC Partner States increased by 65.7 per cent from US$ 9.88 million in the third quarter of 2010 to US$ 16.37 million in 2011 in the same quarter.  The decrease from the second quarter level of 2011 is 17.1 per cent. KENYA was the main destination of RWANDA with the share of 84.8 per cent of the total exports to EAC region, followed by Burundi and Uganda for 9.3 and 5.1 per cent respectively.

External Trade Statistics Report - Fourth Quarter 2011

Exports of Rwanda increased by 87.5 per cent from US$ 63.0 million in the fourth quarter of 2010 to US$ 118.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2011 and the main destination was COMESA, EU and EAC with 39.4%, 29.7%, and 20.5% of shares respectively. Moreover, as it has been noticed in table 3 for imports, total general exports of Rwanda also increased at very low rate of 0.8%.

EICV 3 - Main indicators Report

The 2010/11 Integrated Household Living Conditions Survey or EICV3 (Enquête Intégrale sur les Conditions de Vie des Ménages) is the third in the series of surveys which started in 2000/01 and is designed to monitor poverty and living conditions. The survey methodology has changed little over its 10 years, making it ideal for monitoring changes in the country. In 2010/11, for the first time the achieved sample size of 14,308 households in the EICV3 was sufficient to provide estimates which are reliable at the level of the district.
