Rwanda Development Indicators 2006

The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda publishes, for the second consecutive year since its creation, the 9th edition of the « Rwanda Development Indicators ». Like the previous editions, this document provides to users, social and economic indicators to enable policy and decision - makers, to carry out objective judgment on development policies and programs in order to identify weak areas and make necessary adjustments.

Rwanda in Figures and Numbers 2008

The process of developing the maiden Rwanda in Statistics and Figures 2008 started in September 2008. A broad range of stakeholders participated to ensure national ownership and relevance of the country report. The individuals who participated in this process, and to whom due credit should be given, are too many to enumerate by name.They are the men and women from government departments, civil society organizations and development partner institutions, who
worked through the book’s themes.

2007 Africa Symposium on statistical development

The Africa Symposia on Statistical Development is an African-driven initiative that seeks to work through the ECA, with support from the “Friends of the ECA” (Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Senegal, Rwanda and Tunisia), to help restore statistical development in Africa.A work programme has been developed that will in the first instance, given critical political intervention and support, encourage the undertaking of a census in every African country towards enriching the information base on which decision-making in Africa can be made.

Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate(Fiscal Year 2010/11)

In the fiscal year 2010/11, GDP at current prices was estimated to be Rwf 3,485 billion, up from Rwf 3126 billion in the year 2009/10.
In 2010/11, 47% of GDP was generated by the tertiary sector compared to 31% by the primary sector.

National Agriculture Survey

The National Agricultural Survey was designed to provide a picture with reliable and updated agriculture sector figures, in order to serve as a baseline based on the facts and to set up development strategies that are most appropriate for the rural sector. This will steer progress towards the goals of Vision 2020, while having the fittest tools for measuring, monitoring and evaluation.

4 years
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