Mr. Ivan MURENZI, Deputy Director General (in the middle), and Kenny Osborne, Deputy Head of DFID-Rwanda (on the left hand side) discussing the partnership

In September 2017, a Delegation from UK Office for National Statistics (UK-ONS) had a second visit to the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) to discuss with various stakeholders on the journey of developing and strengthening data revolution and big data in Rwanda and how the two National statistics Offices can collaborate around this new area, not only in Rwanda, but also globally.

As tips to strengthen data science in Rwanda, Dr. Louisa Nolan  (one of the UK – ONS delegation), said that Rwanda is taking the right approach about data revolution big data as stated in the Rwanda data Revolution Policy, with clear objectives, the need of required skills through trainings and partnerships, and exploration of new data sources for big data analytics.

She added that NISR as a leading institution in the area of statistics and data revolution in Rwanda must play a crucial role through the new Training Centre and Big Data Lab as the hub of data science in the country and taking advantage of new opportunities to support socio-economic development. In that context, NISR needs to keep the momentum of raising awareness and put in place concrete plans and guidelines of support the entire National Statistical System in this journey.
Data Revolution Policy (DRP) of Rwanda has been approved by the Cabinet Meeting on 26th April 2017 and NISR was assigned to coordinate its implementation alongside with other institutions for a period of 5 years from 2017 to 2022.

According to The UN Secretary General’s Independent Expert Advisory Group (IEAG) data revolution is an “explosion” in the volume and production of data matched by a "growing demand for data from all parts of society", whereas PARIS21 takes a complementary approach and refers data revolution to "delivering the right data to the right people in the right format at the right time".

By: Jean Paul TUGIRIMANA | Public Relations & Communication Officer