03 March 2023

Rwanda's population reaches 13,2 million in 2022

Rwanda's population has reached  13,246,394 people according to the results from the fifth Population and Housing Census (PHC) conducted in 2022.

Latest findings are based on the data collected in August 2022. The analysis of the 2022 General Population Census indicates that Rwanda’s population was 13,246,394 as of August 2022, showing an inter-censal annual growth rate of 2.3% between 2012 and 2022.

It indicates that the Life Expectancy at birth is 69.6 years from 51.2 years in 2002 and 64.5 years in 2012. Overall, there were 6,817,068 females representing 51.5% of the population, which is slightly higher than 6,429,326 males, representing 48.5% of the population.

VIDEO: NISR Director General, Yusuf Murangwa presenting RPHC2022 results

The ratio of Rwandan urban-rural population indicates that there are approximately three urban residents (i.e. 27.9%) for every seven rural residents (72.1%). The City of Kigali is the most urbanised Province (86.9%) while the Southern Province has the lowest urban population (14.8%). 

PHOTO GALLERY: Dissemination of RPHC2022 results:

Dissemination of RPHC2022 results

The analysis of RPHC5 shows that, among the resident female population aged 12 and above, 20% are household heads. This household headship rate is far smaller compared to males (55%) and is smaller in urban areas (19.6%) than in rural areas (20.1%).

Data show that the access to electricity by households is far higher in urban areas (84.6%) than in rural areas (51.3%).