December 6, 2018

EICV5_Thematic Report_Education

The purpose of this report is to present, analyze and interpret the data collected from the 2016/2017 EICV5 to enable assessment of the progress made in the education sector in the last three years. It presents data on education attendance, education attainment, literacy, access to primary and secondary education while attempting to identify factors which affect these education levels. Further, the report also probes access to technical, vocational and higher learning education. Lastly, self-perceived levels of user satisfaction with the services provided in education sector are also discussed. To the extent possible, comparisons are made to give a picture of a general trend.

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PDF icon EICV5_Thematic Report_Education.pdf (20.41 MB)3882
Office spreadsheet icon Education Thematic Report.xls (716 KB)2273