December 6, 2018

EICV5_Thematic Report_Youth

This report presents and discusses detailed results from EICV5. It focuses on youth and compares EICV5 and EICV4 in the areas of demography, education, Information and Communication Technology, economic activity, poverty and migration. Most of tables provide the results on youth population from both EICV5 and EICV4 and help to explore trend over time, as well as different patterns across the provinces, urban and rural areas of Rwanda. Being one of six thematic reports, namely, Youth, Economic Activity, Utilities and amenities, Education, Environment and Natural Resources and Gender, this report seeks to inform and support the monitoring of NST1 with data on the youth.

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PDF icon EICV5_Thematic Report_Youth.pdf (20.02 MB)5551
File Youth Thematic Report.xlsx (133.48 KB)2260