April 24, 2020

Labour Force Survey Trends-February 2020(Q1)

In February 2020(Q1), the working age population (16 years and above) was around 7.4 million and the population in the labour force constituted the majority of working age population. The proportion of population who were in the labour force increased from 52.5 percent in February 2019 to 55.6 percent in February 2020. The proportion of the working age population outside the labour force slightly decreased in the first quarter of 2020 as compared to different quarters of the LFS in 2019. The population out of labour force was 47.5 in February 2019 and decreased to 44.4 percent in February 2020(Q1). The share of subsistence agriculture in population outside labour force was 53.5 percent in February 2020(Q1) as compared to 53.1 percent in February 2019(Q1).

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