08 July 2016

Rwanda’s total trade reached US$ 589.75 million in Q1, 2016

Rwanda’s total trade of US$ 589.75 million, higher by of 3.27 percent over the first quarter of 2015 was made up of Exports worth of US$ 91.79 million, imports of US$ 456.93 million and re-exports valued at US$ 41.03 million. 

Total imports of Rwanda increased by 5.62 percent in the first quarter of 2016 when compared to the same quarter of 2015 and Domestic exports decreased by 8.79 percent during the period of the first quarter 2016 over the same quarter of 2015.
The top five exported commodities in terms of value were: “Other black tea (fermented) and other partly fermented tea (US$ 15.73 million)”,  “Other unwrought gold (incl. gold plated with platinum), non-monetary” (US$ 12.19 million), “Coffee, not roasted, not decaffeinated” (US$ 8.62 million), “ “Niobium, vanadium ores, tantalum and concentrates (US$ 8.14 million) and “Tin ores and concentrates” (US$ 7.60 million).

By: Emile Nshimiyimana