20 November 2014

Rwanda's PPI down1.93 pct in Q2, 2014

Rwanda's general Producer Price Index (PPI), a key inflation indicator, registered a decrease of 1.93 percent compared to the index of the previous quarter (first quarter 2014) and a decrease of  0.19 percent compared to the index of the second quarter of the year 2013.

The index  for local products, which measures the cost of goods when they leave the factory, registered an increase of 0.35 percent compared to the index of the previous quarter (first quarter 2014) and an increase of  1.26 percent compared to the index of the second quarter of the year 2013.

The index for exports for the second quarter 2014 registered a decrease of 8.05 percent compared to the index of the previous quarter (first quarter 2014) and an increase of  3.16 percent compared to the index of the second quarter of the year 2013.

By: Schadrack HABIMANA