This annual report is a resource guide to the programs and services of the NISR. The Institute produces a series of monthly, quarterly and annual statistical publications such as surveys, censuses and other statistical related programs that are the sources of data products which can be referred too for technical information. These are produced separately according to the international standards.
The major achievements that we have got in 2010 are: 1- Consolidation and launch of the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) 2009 – 2014, which will guide NISR and the NSS in the 5 years 2- The approval of NISR new organizational structure by the Cabinet that will support in implementing the 5 year strategy 3- The development of 2 online tools that is DevInfo and IMIS that will be useful for dissemination 4- Launched 2 ongoing big surveys that is; Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) and Integrated Household Living Conditions Survey (EICV) which started in October and November respectively.
NISR would like to extend its appreciation to the Government of Rwanda, Development partners and Survey respondents for their financial and technical support in achievement of our objectives. We strive to accomplish all planned and more activities in the coming year with the support from you!