This report has been prepared to support the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) process. It compares the results of the Enquete Intégrale sur les Conditions de Vie des ménages de Rwanda (EICV2) household survey (for which fieldwork was conducted from October 2005 to October 2006) with the results of the EICV1 which took place in 2000 to 2001.

The period covered by the two surveys therefore closely matches the period of implementation of the first Rwanda PRSP. This report was specifically commissioned by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN) to respond to the emerging priorities for the EDPRS.

Seven key policy challenges are being addressed by the EDPRS, and issues relevant to all but the last of the issues listed below are covered by this report. The EDPRS priorities are:

• Raising agricultural productivity
• Extending energy and transport infrastructure into rural areas
• Creation of non-farm employment on a large scale
• Reducing the population growth rate
• Making progress on land reform
• Targeting access of the poorest to core services, including basic healthcare and education
• Addressing weak institutional capacity.

I.                   EICV SURVEY
EICV 1 completed 2000/01
EICV 2 completed 2005/6
EICV 3) On going -