GDP National Accounts (Third Quarter 2024)
In Q3 of 2024, GDP at current market prices was estimated at Frw 4,806 billion, up from Frw 4,246 billion in Q3 of 2023. GDP growth was 8.1 percent following 9.8 percent in Q2 and 9.7 percent in Q1.
GDP National Accounts (Second Quarter 2024)
In Q2 of 2024, GDP at current market prices was estimated at Frw 4,515 billion, up from Frw 3,972 billion in Q2 of 2023. Services contributed 47 percent to GDP, agriculture contributed 25 percent while industry contributed 21 percent. Net direct taxes accounted for 7 percent.
GDP National Accounts (First Quarter 2024)
In Q1 of 2024, GDP at current market prices was estimated at Frw 4,486 billion, up from Frw 3,904 billion in Q1 of 2023. Services contributed 46 percent to GDP, agriculture contributed 25 percent while industry contributed 23 percent. Net direct taxes accounted for 7 percent.
GDP National Accounts (Fourth Quarter 2023)
In the fourth quarter of 2023, GDP at current market prices was estimated at Frw 4,500 billion. Estimates calculated in 2017 prices show that GDP was 10 percent higher when compared to the same quarter of 2022.
In this quarter, services sector contributed 47 percent to GDP, agriculture sector contributed 26 percent to the GDP, industry sector contributed 20 percent to the GDP and 6 percent was attributed to adjustment for taxes and subsidies on products.
GDP National Accounts (Third Quarter 2023)
In the third quarter of 2023, GDP at current market prices was estimated at Frw 4,249 billion, up from Frw 3,584 billion in the same quarter of 2022. Services sector contributed 46% to GDP, agriculture sector contributed 25% to GDP, industry sector contributed 21% to GDP while Net direct taxes accounted for 7%.
GDP National Accounts (Second Quarter 2023)
In 2023 Q2, GDP at current market prices was estimated at Frw 3,970 billion, up from Frw 3,282 billion in 2022 Q2. Services contributed 45% of GDP, Agriculture contributed 27% of GDP, Industry contributed 20% of GDP while Net direct taxes accounted for 7%.
GDP National Accounts (First Quarter 2023)
In the first quarter of 2023, GDP at current market prices was estimated at Frw 3, 901 billion, up from Frw 3,021 billion in Q1 2022. In this quarter, services sector contributed 44 percent of GDP, agriculture sector contributed 27 percent of the GDP, Industry sector contributed 22 percent of the GDP and 8 percent was attributed to adjustment for taxes and subsidies on products.
GDP National Accounts (Fourth Quarter 2022)
In the fourth quarter of 2022, GDP at current market prices was estimated at Frw 3,829 billion, up from Frw 2,925 billion in the same quarter of 2021. Services contributed 45 percent of GDP, Agriculture contributed 27 percent of GDP, Industry contributed 22 percent of GDP while Net direct taxes accounted for 7 percent.
GDP National Accounts (Third Quarter 2022)
In the third quarter of 2022, GDP at current market prices was estimated at Frw 3,583 billion, up from Frw 2,758 billion in same quarter of 2021. In this quarter, services contributed 47 percent of GDP, Agriculture contributed 24 percent of GDP, Industry contributed 21 percent of GDP and 8 percent was attributed to adjustment for taxes and subsidies on products.
GDP National Accounts (Second Quarter 2022)
In the second quarter of 2022, GDP at current market prices was estimated at Frw 3,279 billion, up from Frw 2,668 billion in 2021 Q2.
In this quarter, Services sector contributed 47 percent of GDP, Agriculture sector contributed 25 percent of the GDP, Industry sector contributed 20 percent of the GDP and 8 percent was attributed to adjustment for taxes and subsidies on products