Trade in goods and services is defined as change in ownership of material resources and services between one economy and another on monthly basis. The indicator comprises sales of goods and services as well as barter transactions or goods exchanged as part of gifts or grants between residents and non-residents.
Latest reports
Formal external trade in Goods report (December 2024)
The deficit in the balance of formal trade in goods was US$ 134.69 million in December 2024, a decrease of 45.08 percent compared to the previous month of November 2024. Year-to-year, the formal trade in goods deficit decreased by 63.46 percent on the deficit of December 2023.
Formal external trade in Goods report (November 2024)
The deficit in the balance of formal trade in goods was US$ 363.65 million in November 2024, a decrease of 32.56 percent compared to October 2024. Year-to-year, the deficit for formal trade in goods decreased by 20.18 percent on the deficit of November 2023.