Rwanda Social protection and VUP report - Results of EICV 4
In this report, we explore the characteristics of poor and potentially vulnerable households in Rwanda, and we analyse what types of household use the social protection programmes, especially the VUP and their experiences of doing so. Section 2 discusses the nature of vulnerability in the country. Section 3 presents the findings from the VUP.
Rwanda Poverty Profile Report - Results of EICV 4
This report provides an update on the level of poverty based on 2013/14 Integrated Household Living Conditions Survey (EICV4) focusing on poverty as measured in consumption terms. The report also highlights other trend dimensions of living conditions captured in other surveys that complement and provide a holistic understanding of poverty and living conditions.
Main indicators report - Results of EICV 4
The 2013/14 EICV is a follow-up to the 2000/01, 2005/06 and 2010/11 EICV surveys. Each survey provides information on monetary poverty measured in consumption expenditure terms, but also provides complementary socio-economic information that facilitates understanding changes in households living conditions.
The 2013/14 EICV was implemented by the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR), in collaboration with different stakeholders in the country.
EICV 3 THEMATIC REPORT - Patterns of Consumption
The 10 thematic reports in this series are: (i) Economic Activity; (ii) Utilities and Amenities (water/sanitation/energy/housing/transport/ICT); (iii) Social Protection; (iv) Environment and Natural Resources; (v) Consumption; (vi) Gender; (vii) Youth; (viii) Education; (ix) Agriculture and (x) Income.
The 10 thematic reports in this series are: (i) Economic Activity; (ii) Utilities and Amenities (water/sanitation/energy/housing/transport/ICT); (iii) Social Protection; (iv) Environment and Natural Resources; (v) Consumption; (vi) Gender; (vii) Youth; (viii) Education; (ix) Agriculture and (x) Income.
EICV 3 THEMATIC REPORT - Social protection
The 10 thematic reports in this series are: (i) Economic Activity; (ii) Utilities and Amenities (water/sanitation/energy/housing/transport/ICT); (iii) Social Protection; (iv) Environment and Natural Resources; (v) Consumption; (vi) Gender; (vii) Youth; (viii) Education; (ix) Agriculture and (x) Income.
EICV 3 - Main indicators Report
The 2010/11 Integrated Household Living Conditions Survey or EICV3 (Enquête Intégrale sur les Conditions de Vie des Ménages) is the third in the series of surveys which started in 2000/01 and is designed to monitor poverty and living conditions. The survey methodology has changed little over its 10 years, making it ideal for monitoring changes in the country. In 2010/11, for the first time the achieved sample size of 14,308 households in the EICV3 was sufficient to provide estimates which are reliable at the level of the district.