GDP - National Accounts (Fourth Quarter 2014)

In the fourth quarter of 2014, GDP at current market prices was estimated to be Rwf 1,396 billion, estimates calculated in 2011 prices shows that GDP was 6.2 percent higher in real terms compared to the same quarter of 2013.

GDP - National Accounts, 2014

In 2014, GDP at current market prices was estimated to be Rwf 5,389 billion, up from Rwf 4,864 billion in 2013, estimates calculated in 2011 prices shows that GDP was 7 percent higher in real terms compared to 2013.

Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI): Consultancy services for a technical assistance for improving economic statistics to NISR

The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) has received financing from the Perfomance for Results (P4R) Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services related to the Technical Assistance in improving key economic ststistsics and national accounts.

Consumer Price Index (CPI) - February 2015

Rwanda’s Consumer Price Index (CPI), main gauge of inflation has risen 0.7 percent year on year in February 2015, down from 1.4 percent in January 2015.
In February 2015, “Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels” rose by 3.6 percent while Transport decreased by 4.3 percent.


Policy development and measurement of progress in implementing various national and international development programs at the sub-national level, calls for the availability of demographic and socio-economic data also disaggregated at the level below national, to inform concentrated planning and decision making.


Policy development and measurement of progress in implementing various national and international development programs at the sub-national level, calls for the availability of demographic and socio-economic data also disaggregated at the level below national, to inform concentrated planning and decision making.


Policy development and measurement of progress in implementing various national and international development programs at the sub-national level, calls for the availability of demographic and socio-economic data also disaggregated at the level below national, to inform concentrated planning and decision making.
