I. Gross Domestic Product and its structure by activity

In the year 2012, GDP at current prices was estimated to be Rwf 4,363 billion, up from Rwf 3,814 billion in the year 2011. The Service sector contributed 45% of the GDP compared to 33% and 16% contributed by Agriculture and Industrial sectors respectively.

II. Growth rate by kind of activity

In 2012, the estimates calculated at constant 2006 prices show that GDP went up by 8 percent in real terms.
In the same year, “Agriculture” grew by 3 percent, activities in the “industry sector” grew by 7 percent while “Service sector” increased by 12 percent.

II.1. Expenditure on GDP

In 2012, the private final consumption expenditure was 82 percent of the GDP while the government final consumption expenditure was 15 percent.  The level of investment (Gross capital formation) is estimated at 23 percent of reflecting high levels of construction activity and imports of durable capital goods.

II.2. GDP per capita

In the year 2012, GDP per capita stands at US $ 644.

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National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda