April 25, 2023

Labour Force Survey Trends - February 2023 (Q1)

The Labour Force Survey (LFS) programme collect data on employment and labour underutilization characteristics of the population on a continuous basis, providing quarterly estimates of the main labour force aggregates with sufficient precision at the National level since 2016. The Rwanda Quarterly Labour Force Survey programme is in line with the international standards on the topic and the specific data requirements of the main stakeholders namely Ministry of Public Service and Labour (MIFOTRA), Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN), International Labour Organization (ILO), World Bank, and other statistical users. The new standards introduced an innovative framework that recognizes all productive activities, whether paid or unpaid, as work and serve to expand the range of statistics available about the different working activities, paid and unpaid, carried out by women and men, including employment, volunteer work, own-use production work, etc. needed to inform policies aimed at achieving inclusive development and decent work. A new design for the Labour force survey has been introduced February 2023 with a face-to-face interviewing method from Telephone Assisted Interviewing Method. This report presents the results of the Labour Force Survey for the First quarter (Q1) of the year 2023. Data was collected from 1st to 28th February 2023 in all the districts of Rwanda using Computerized Telephone interviewing (CATI).

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Office spreadsheet icon RLFS Tables_ February_2023.xls (228 KB)325