December 5, 2018

Labour Force Survey Trends-August 2018

The focus of the present report is the analysis of trends of employment and labour underutilization including unemployment at the national and province levels by selected demographic and socioeconomic characteristics such as sex, age group, educational attainment, occupation and industry. The analysis in this report covers four rounds extended to two years from February 2017 to August 2018. It is important to indicate that some further cleaning was made for the February 2018 dataset during the current analysis and this might produce minor changes on some statistics which have published in the February 2018 trend report. In addition, another comprehensive annual report which includes estimates at district level has been produced after pulling together the datasets of February and August 2018 rounds.

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PDF icon LFS_TREND_AUGUST-2018_Report.pdf (6.21 MB)2639
Office spreadsheet icon RLFS Tables_ Aug_2018_round.xls (238 KB)1102