
January 1, 2013

RPHC4 : Provisional Results

In view of the Presidential Order No. 02/01 of 07/02/2011, the Government of Rwanda has decided to conduct the fourth Population and Housing Census in August 2012. The Government,in partnership with development partners, has made available adequate resources required to conduct this massive statistical undertaking. The 2012 Census operation was coordinated by the National Census Commission. Various census technical and administrative structures were put in place to ensure a successful census operation.

This report provides Provisional Results based on utilisation of recapitulation sheets for all households and enumeration areas after verifying their completeness and compliance with the composition of enumerated households. The final results will be released once all the questionnaires are electronically processed and the data are cleaned. According to the Census plan, this will be accomplished by December 2013.

Although these are provisional results, they are very important in informing government, development partners, civil society organisations and the general public on the population size, distribution and composition as captured by the 2012 Census.
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