Formal external trade in Goods report (February 2017)
The deficit in the balance of formal trade in goods was US$ 75.94 million in February 2017, an increase of 15.87 per cent compared to the previous month of January. Year-over-year, the formal trade in goods deficit decreased by 28.84 per cent on the deficit of February 2016.
Formal external trade in Goods report (January 2017)
The deficit in the balance of formal trade in goods was US$ 65.54 million in January 2017, a decrease of 21.53 per cent compared to the previous month of December 2016. Year-over-year, the formal trade in goods deficit decreased by 37.05 per cent on the deficit of January 2016.
Formal external trade in Goods report (December 2016)
The deficit in the balance of formal trade in goods was US$ 83.52 million in December 2016, a decrease of 3.33 per cent compared to the previous month of November 2016. Year-over-year, the formal trade ingoods deficit decreased by 21.59 per cent on the deficit of December 2015.
Formal external trade in Goods report (November 2016)
The deficit in the balance of formal trade in goods was US$ 86.40 million in November 2016, an increase of 14.79 per cent compared to the previous month of October 2016. Year-over-year, the formal trade in goods deficit decreased by 22.88 per cent on the deficit of November 2015.
Formal external trade in Goods report (October 2016)
The deficit in the balance of formal trade in goods was US$ 75.26 million in October 2016, a decrease of 7.12 per cent compared to the previous month of September2016. Year-over-year, the formal trade in goods deficit decreased by 38.74per centon the deficit of October2015.
Formal external trade in Goods report (September 2016)
The deficit in the balance of formal trade in goods was US$ 81.03 million in September 2016, a decrease of 14.42 per cent compared to the previous month of August 2016. Year-over-year, the formal trade in goods deficit decreased by 37.66 per cent on the deficit of September 2015.
Formal external trade in Goods report (August 2016)
The deficit in the balance of formal trade in goods was US$ 94.68 million in August 2016, an increase of 14.12 per cent compared to the previous month of July 2016. Year-over-year, the formal trade in goods deficit decreased by 1.62 per cent on the deficit of August 2015.
Formal external trade in Goods report (July 2016)
The deficit in the balance of formal trade in goods was US$ 82.96 million in July 2016, a decrease of 23.37 per cent compared to the previous month of June 2016. Year-over-year, the formal trade in goods deficit decreased by 11.62 per cent on the deficit of July 2015.
Formal external trade in Goods report (June 2016)
The deficit in the balance of formal trade in goods was US$ 108.27 million in June 2016, an increase of 1.31 per cent compared to the previous month of May 2016. Year-over-year, the formal trade in goods deficit increased by 22.36 per cent on the deficit of June 2015.
Formal external trade in Goods report (May 2016)
The deficit in the balance of formal trade in goods was US$ 106.87 million in May 2016, a decrease of 14.18 per cent compared to the previous month of April 2016. Year-over-year, the formal trade in goods deficit increased by 2.43 per cent on the deficit of May 2015.