NISR Procurement Plan (July 2012 - June 2013)
Reference is made to the article 2 of the Ministerial order N0 001/08/10/MIN of 15th January 2008, the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda is pleased to present to you the procurement plan for the financial year starting from July 2012 to June 2013.
Publication of results of tenders awarded -SERVICES (June 2012)
EICV 3 Release Timetable
Counting the People of Rwanda: 2012 Population and Housing Census (PHC) Booklet
This was the forth General Population and Housing Census with the main purpose to provide demographic and socio-economic statistics on the people of Rwanda for the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS), District Development Plans (DDP) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Annual report 2010
This annual report is a resource guide to the programs and services of the NISR. The Institute produces a series of monthly, quarterly and annual statistical publications such as surveys, censuses and other statistical related programs that are the sources of data products which can be referred too for technical information. These are produced separately according to the international standards.
Rwanda in Figures and Numbers 2008
The process of developing the maiden Rwanda in Statistics and Figures 2008 started in September 2008. A broad range of stakeholders participated to ensure national ownership and relevance of the country report. The individuals who participated in this process, and to whom due credit should be given, are too many to enumerate by name.They are the men and women from government departments, civil society organizations and development partner institutions, who
worked through the book’s themes.