The Third National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS3)
The third National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS3) is a product of intensive research and consultations. It aims not only at coordinating all statistical activities in Rwanda during the period of 2019/2020-2023/2024, but also at providing general information about the journey of statistical development in Rwanda since 2005, and a better understanding of statistical needs of various development programs at national, regional, continental and global levels.
Guidelines for Quality Assessment of Administrative Data
The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) needs raw data for the production of official statistics. Apart from data obtained through surveys and censuses, NISR is increasingly using data collected and maintained by other institutions through their daily administrative records. Administrative data refers to information collected primarily for administrative (not research) purposes.
The mission of the desired CRVS system is “To build a modern, timely, complete and integrated CRVS system to ensure legal identity for all, good governance and evidence-based decision making for sustainable development”. It envisages that by establishing a permanent, continuous, compulsory and universal vital events registration and vital statistics system the three identified strategic outcomes - Legal identity and rights for all; Good governance and accountability; and Reliable statistics - would be achieved by 2022.
Rwanda National Data revolution and Big data
This publication outlines the core vision, objectives and pillars of data revolution policy in Rwanda . The pillars are aligned with strategic objectives to harness the insights that would come with data analytics. The principles of Data Revolution Policy are built on broader ICT strategic expectation of “open by default, security by design, privacy protection, innovation and public-private partnership” as enshrined in the Smart Rwanda 2020 Master plan
NISR Service Charter
This service charter spells out the role of NISR, and highlights the services offered and requirements therein. It lists the service centers at which our services can be accessed and the guiding legal instruments. The development of this Charter signifies our commitment to serve our clients with a view to creating a better understanding of the services offered by our institution and enhancing the user's accessibility.
Rwanda Civil Registration and Vital Statitics (CRVS) systems
The comprehensive assessment of Rwanda CRVS is a direct response to the declaration of the Second Conference of African Ministers Responsible for Civil Registration in September 2012. The Conference urged all African countries to undertake in-depth assessment of the state of their national civil registration systems and develop a strategic and action plans for improving CRVS.
NISR Organizational Development Strategy
This report reviews the current relationship between National Institute for Statistics Rwanda (NISR) and other constituent parts of the National Statistical System (NSS) and sets out measures for the strengthening of the framework in Rwanda for the coordination of official statistics.
Data curation at NISR
The word curation comes from the Latin word curare, meaning - to take care. Stretching the traditional meaning and juxtaposing it with data life-cycle, ‘data curation’ as a process means, at least four things. It means to identify data (required to be curated). It means to preserve data. It means to provide context to data. And it means to make data easily discoverable and accessible.
Second National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (2014 -2018)
NSDS2 has been developed through a highly participatory and consultative process involving the members of NSS, including private sector, national and sub-national institutions and development partners (public, non-public, national and international including civil society). This is the final document which articulates the strategies for the development of the National Statistical System (NSS) in Rwanda for the period 2014/15 – 2018/19. It has been approved by the Cabinet of Rwanda on 10 September 2014 and has been officially launched on 26 November 2014