Labour Statistics Framework of Rwanda - 2014
Labour Statistics Metadata Handbook - 2014
The indicators in the Handbook are statistical and those required to describe and assess phenomena relevant to labour covering the population of persons, establishments and jobs or substantial subsets of them such as women, establishments in critical sectors and jobs in the formal sector. Other topic- or institution-specific indicators used for programme monitoring and evaluation or management of resources are not included, for example number of business development advisers with international certification.
Visa instruction manual (Version 1)
This is the first version of Visa Instruction manual. Besides its mandated role as the prime producer of official statistics in Rwanda, the National Institute of Statistics or Rwanda (NISR) is entrusted with the coordination responsibilities of the entire National Statistical System. This implies that NISR must keep track with any data collection endeavors undertaken in the country, with the aim of ensuring high quality statistics that will adequately serve their purposes.
The Rwanda Classification Manual -- Customized International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 97)
The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) was designed by UNESCO in the early 1970’s to serve ‘as an instrument suitable for assembling, compiling and presenting statistics of education both within individual countries and internationally’.
The Rwanda Classification Manual -- Customized International Standard Classification for Occupation (ISCO -08)
The Rwanda Classification Manual -- Customized International Standard Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC, Rev.4)
The System of Agricultural Statistics in Rwanda (Improvement Action Plan)
Given the importance of the agricultural sector, the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda is committed to build a new and improved System of Agricultural Statistics. This by emphasizing on the following:
National Accounts - Data sources and compilation methods
In summary, the current methodology depends on establishing a “benchmark” every five years. Between these benchmarks, indicators based largely on administrative records are used to extrapolate the benchmark. At constant prices, the quarterly estimates of activity are essentially the equivalent of Indices of Production covering all types of activity in the economy. Except for price data, these quarterly estimates do not rely much on statistical surveys, which are however a key input for the benchmarks.
National Accounts - Data sources and compilation methods (2011 Edition)
Customized Classification of Individual Consumption according to Purpose (COICOP)
This classification manual is designed to serve as a standard tool for statistical practitioners in their endeavors to produce required statistics on the social, political, and economic situation of Rwanda.