General procurement plan for NISR (July 2013 - June 2014)

Reference is made to the article 2 of the Ministerial order N0 001/08/10/MIN of 15th January 2008, the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda is pleased to present to you the procurement plan for the financial year starting from July 2013 to June 2014.

4th ISIbalo Young African Statisticians Conference

4th ISIbalo Young African Statisticians Conference
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Consumer Price Index (CPI) - June 2013

In June 2013 the All Urban general index is established at 121.2 this stands for a decrease of 0.03% over the previous month which was 121.3. In annual change it increased by 3.68% compared to 2.98% in the previous month. This gives a general inflation rate by an annual average of 4.6% during the month of June 2013.

Law determining the organization of statistical activities in Rwanda (official gazette)

This is the Law on the Organization of Statistical  Activities in Rwanda .All activities concerning Statistical Activates are now governed by this new Law number 45/2013 of 16/06/2013

Access to Finance -- Gender Statistics Publication, Vol. 2, 2012

Economically  empowered women  are major  catalysts  for  development,  as  they  usually  re-invest  their money  in  their  children’s health, nutrition, and education. Reducing gender inequality in fnancial resources and improving the status of women is thus “smart economics.” There is mounting evidence to show that women’s economic activity results in better bargaining power in the home.

Click here to download the orginal notice

The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) has received funds from development partners under NSDS Basket Fund, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for payments under the contract for the SUPPLY OF ONE HUNDRED NINETY (190) BACK BAGS IMMEDIATELY AND SUPPLY OF THE SAMES ITEMS ON REGULAR BASIS FOR A PERIOD OF TWO (2) YEARS
