NISR and MoH Joinly launch 6th Rwanda Demographic Health Survey


The Permanent Secretary of ministry of Health, Mr. Jean Pierre NYEMAZI together with Director General of NISR Mr. Yusuf MURANGWA jointly presided over a first preparatory meeting on the 6th Rwanda Demographic Health Survey.

Permanent Secretary of ministry of Health, Mr. Jean Pierre NYEMAZI highlighted the importance of DHS as one of the crucial and big surveys that give data for health planning and SDGs.

AfDB's technical assistance team to maintain the Rwanda Open Data platform up to date

Through the Africa Information Highway (AIH) program, the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) provided an Open Data Platform (ODP) to all African countries. The main objective of this initiative is to assist African countries to improve their data dissemination system and data submission system.

Winners Announced for the 2018 Rwanda Data Journalism Awards (RDJA)

Four winners were awarded during the cerebration of African statistics day on 12 December 2017. Each journalist was awarded a computer and a certificate. Awards for this first Edition were provided by PARIS 21 and UNICEF Rwanda.

Rwanda Data Journalism Award (RDJA) - First Edition 2017

As a follow up on trainings provided to journalists and winners of infographic competition on data vizualization, NISR and partners launched a yearly data journalism award in December 2017. The mission of this award is to use journalists in data dissemination by promoting excellence and creativity in the reporting of statistics-based stories to the Rwandan public in this data revolution era when journalistic reportage requires practices that include statistical analyses, interpretations and visualization to tell complex and sensitive stories in simple and convincing way.

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NISR conducted the second meeting of BIG DATA technical team

The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) organised a second Big Data and Analytics Technical Committee meeting on 20th December 2017 with PhD students in Data Science at University of Rwanda, College of Business and Economy.

PRESS RELEASE: NISR Signs Partnership with the AIMS

The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR), is mandated to produce and disseminate official statistics to support evidence-based decision making and planning processes, and to coordinate the statistical activities of the National Statistical System, including statistical capacity building initiatives as stated on the Law N° 45/2013 of 16/06/2013, and coordinating the implementation of Rwanda Data Revolution Policy and Big Data.

PRESS RELEASE : Rwanda Implements the IMF’s Enhanced General Data Dissemination System

Rwanda National Statistical System (NSS) under the lead of the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) began publishing the required macroeconomic data on NISR website - the National Summary Data Page (NSDP). This marks the culmination of efforts conducted in recent period by members of Rwanda NSS working together to publish the data recommended under the IMF’s enhanced General Data Dissemination System (e-GDDS), while utilizing the Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) technol

NISR seeks to build a convenient environment for big data analytics in Rwanda

Four months after the cabinet approved the Data revolution policy, the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) initiated discussions with stakeholders to discuss how this policy will be implemented to boost the use of other sources that may generate statistics for evidence based decision making.
