NISR signs cooperation MoU to popularise Table Tennis in Rwanda

In a bid to drive the popularity of table tennis in Rwanda, the Rwanda Table Tennis Federation (RTTF)-led by its President, John Bosco Birungi has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) on Wednesday, 18 December 2019.

According to the MoU, the federation will provide equipment and training to NISR while the Institute will act as springboard of attracting other government agencies to the progamme.

Data for Now: Inception Workshop

Rwanda Data Journalism Award (RDJA) - Third Edition 2019

1. Background

NISR Refutes Financial Times Article on Rwanda’s Poverty Trends

The Financial Times contacted the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) for clarification about poverty trends in Rwanda ahead of their article published on Tuesday, 13 August 2019. Below are our responses to the questions asked:

PRESS RELEASE: 5th International Conference on Big Data for Official Statistics

KIGALI, 6 MAY 2019 - The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) in partnership with the United Nations Global Working Group (GWG) on Big Data for Official Statistics and the African Development Bank (AfDB) organized the 5th International Conference on Big Data for Official Statistics in Kigali from April 29 to May 03 2019 at the new NISR Training Centre.

Labour Force Survey, Thematic Report on Gender

May, 2019

This report is the result of analysis of the August Labour Force Survey 2017 findings. It sets out a broad overview of trends and gender gaps, including gaps in labour force participation rates, employment-to-population ratios and unemployment rates, along with differences in labour market status and the type of activities that men and women perform in the labour market, hours spent in paid and unpaid work and sectoral and occupational segregation. It also discusses the extent to which these factors account for gender gaps in wages and social protection.

Sample size: 

Innovation management should be a core practice in National Statistical Offices

Innovation management should be a core practice in National Statistical Offices (NSOs) as a strategic area, a data technology expert reasoned during the 5th International Conference on Big Data for Official Statistics that took place in Kigali from 29 April to 3 May 2019.

UK Government shares with Rwanda the secrets to success with Data Science Campus

On the sidelines of the 5th International Conference on Big Data for Official Statistics that took place in Kigali from 29 April to 3 May 2019, experts came together to discuss what it takes to successfully harness the power of data science.

5th International Conference on Big Data for Official Statistics


The United Nations Global Working Group (GWG) on Big Data for Official Statistics was created under the UN Statistical Commission in 2014. The GWG provides strategic vision, direction and the coordination of a global programme on the use of new data sources and new technologies, which is essential for national statistical systems to remain relevant in a fast-moving data landscape.

Workshop on SDGs metadata sharing and exchange in Rwanda

From 15th to 17th January 2019, the the UN Statistics Department in collaboration with DFID and the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda jointly organized a workshop on SDGs metadata.

The workshop brought together staff responsible for compilation and reporting on SGDs from  NISR as well as representative from line ministries and institutions that deal with data on SDGs indicators.
