Labour Force Survey Annual Report 2024
In 2024 the working age population (16 years and above) was approximately 8.3 million of whom around 4.4 million were employed, 780 thousand were unemployed, and 3.1 million were out of labour force. The sum of the employed and unemployed population makes the population in the labour force 5.2 million persons. The proportion of the working age population participating in the labour force has steadily increased since 2022. In 2024, it was estimated to be 62.9 % which is 3.6 percentage points higher compared to the estimated value in 2023.
Labour Force Survey - 2024 (Q4)
In November 2024 (Q4), the working age population (16 years and above) was around 8.4 million of whom around 4.6 million were employed, 789 thousand were unemployed, and 3 million were out of labour force. The labour force comprises 5.4 million people, which includes both the employed and unemployed population. The proportion of working age population who were in the labour force has consistently increased since 2022. In November 2024, it was estimated to be 64.0 % which is 4 percentage points higher than the estimated value in November 2023 (60.0%).
Labour Force Survey - 2024 (Q3)
The Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS), conducted by the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda, is a household-based sample survey that gathers data on the labour market activities of individuals aged 14 and older residing in private households. Notably, only individuals aged 16 and above are included in the reporting.
Labour Force Survey - 2024 (Q2)
The Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS), conducted by the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda, is a household-based sample survey that gathers data on the labour market activities of individuals aged 14 and older residing in private households. Notably, only individuals aged 16 and above are included in the reporting.
Labour Force Survey - 2024 (Q1)
The Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) is a household-based sample survey conducted by the NISR. It collects data on the labour market activities of individuals aged 14 years and older who live in private households in Rwanda. However, only persons aged 16 years and above are covered for reporting.
In this report 2024 (Q1), the survey results are mainly compared for February of each year starting from 2019. However, some tables in the annex are presented with more observed data points of the labor force surveys.
Labour Force Survey Annual Report 2023
The 2023 Annual Labour Force Survey report is compiled from aggregated data spanning four quarters of the year 2023, obtained through data collection conducted in February, May, August, and November 2023. The data collection employed a face-to-face methodology utilizing Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI). The Labour Force Survey (LFS) provides estimates concerning the size and characteristics of the labour force, employment, unemployment, and other pertinent labour market characteristics of the population.
Labour Force Survey Trends - November 2023 (Q4)
The Rwanda Labour Force Survey (LFS) program systematically gathers data pertaining to the employment and labor underutilization characteristics of the population on a quarterly basis since 2019 and it has been instrumental in providing precise quarterly estimates of key labor force aggregates at the national level.
Labour Force Survey Trends - August 2023 (Q3)
The Labour Force Survey (LFS) programme collect data on employment and labour underutilization characteristics of the population on a quarterly basis, providing quarterly estimates of the main labour force aggregates with sufficient precision at the National level since 2019.
Labour Force Survey Trends - May 2023 (Q2)
The Labour Force Survey (LFS) programme collect data on employment and labour underutilization characteristics of the population on a continuous basis, providing quarterly estimates of the main labour force aggregates with sufficient precision at the National level since 2016.
Labour Force Survey Trends - February 2023 (Q1)
The Labour Force Survey (LFS) programme collect data on employment and labour underutilization characteristics of the population on a continuous basis, providing quarterly estimates of the main labour force aggregates with sufficient precision at the National level since 2016.